Source code for autosolvate.generatetrajs

import getopt, sys, os
import subprocess

def writeSoluteConstrain(f, wt=500,ntr=False):
    Write the lines to apply constraints to solute
    f: file, Required, default: None
        File of Amber input
    ntr: bool, Optional, default: False
        Use the ntr restraint or ibelly constrain
    wt: float, Optional, default: 500
        Weight of restraint if using the Amber ntr restraint


    if ntr:
       f.write("bellymask = \':2-\',\n")

[docs]def writeMMminInput(stepsmmmin=2000,freeze_solute=False): r""" Write Amber MM minimization input file Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None Result stored as """ f = open("","w") f.write("Minimize\n") f.write("&cntrl\n") if(freeze_solute): writeSoluteConstrain(f) f.write("imin=1,\n") f.write("ntx=1,\n") f.write("maxcyc="+str(stepsmmmin)+",\n") f.write("ncyc=1000,\n") f.write("ntpr=100,\n") f.write("ntwx=0,\n") f.write("cut=8.0,\n") f.write("/\n") f.close()
[docs]def writeMMheatInput(temperature=300, stepsmmheat=10000, freeze_solute=False): r""" Write Amber MM heating input file Parameters ---------- temperature : float, Optional, default: 300 temperature to heat to stepsmmheat : int, Optional, default: 10000 MM steps for heating. Returns ------- None Result stored as """ f = open("","w") f.write("Heat\n") f.write("&cntrl\n") if(freeze_solute): writeSoluteConstrain(f) f.write("imin=0,\n") f.write("ntx=1,\n") f.write("nstlim="+str(stepsmmheat)+",\n") f.write("dt=0.002,\n") f.write("ntf=2,\n") f.write("ntc=2,\n") f.write("tempi=0.0,\n") f.write("temp0="+str(temperature)+",\n") f.write("ntpr=100,\n") f.write("ntwx=100,\n") f.write("cut=8.0,\n") f.write("ntb=1,\n") f.write("ntp=0,\n") f.write("ntt=3,\n") f.write("gamma_ln=2.0,\n") f.write("ig=-1,\n") f.write("/\n") f.write("&wt type='TEMP0', istep1=0, istep2="+str(stepsmmheat)+", value1=0.0, value2="+str(temperature)+" /\n") f.write("&wt type='END' /\n") f.close()
[docs]def writeMMNVEInput(stepsmmnve=10000, freeze_solute=False): r""" Write Amber MM NVE input file Parameters ---------- stepsmmnve : int, Optional, default: 10000 Number of MM steps for NVE. Returns ------- None Result stored as """ f = open("","w") f.write("NVE\n") f.write("&cntrl\n") if(freeze_solute): writeSoluteConstrain(f) f.write("imin=0, irest=1,\n") f.write("ntx=5,\n") f.write("nstlim="+str(stepsmmnve)+",\n") f.write("dt=0.002,\n") f.write("ntf=2,\n") f.write("ntc=2,\n") f.write("ntpr=100,\n") f.write("ntwx=100,\n") f.write("cut=8.0,\n") f.write("ntb=1,\n") f.write("ntp=0,\n") f.write("ntt=0,\n") f.write("ig=-1,\n") f.write("/\n") f.close()
[docs]def writeMMNPTInput(temperature=300, pressure=1, stepsmmnpt=300000, freeze_solute=False): r""" Write Amber MM NPT input file Parameters ---------- temperature : float, Optional, default: 300 temperature in Kelvin pressure : float, Optional, default: 1 pressure in bar stepsmmnpt : int, Optional, default: 10000 MM NPT steps Returns ------- None Result stored as """ f = open("","w") f.write("MM NPT\n") f.write("&cntrl\n") if(freeze_solute): writeSoluteConstrain(f) f.write("imin=0, irest=1,\n") f.write("ntx=5,\n") f.write("nstlim="+str(stepsmmnpt)+",\n") f.write("dt=0.002,\n") f.write("ntf=2,\n") f.write("ntc=2,\n") f.write("temp0="+str(temperature)+",\n") f.write("ntpr=1000,\n") f.write("ntwx=1000,\n") f.write("cut=8.0,\n") f.write("ntb=2,\n") f.write("ntp=1,\n") f.write("taup=1,\n") f.write("pres0 = "+str(pressure)+",\n") f.write("ntt=3,\n") f.write("gamma_ln=2.0,\n") f.write("ig=-1,\n") f.write("/\n") f.close()
[docs]def runMM(filename='water_solvated', stepsmmheat=10000, stepsmmnve=0, stepsmmnpt=300000, srun_use=False, pmemduse=False, dryrun=False, freeze_solute=False): r""" Equilibrate with MM Parameters ---------- filename : str, Optional, default: 'water_solvated' Filename prefix for .prmtop and .inpcrd files stepsmmheat : int, Optional, default: 10000 MM heating steps stepsmmnve : int, Optional, default: 0 MM NVE steps stepsmmnpt : int, Optional, default: 300000 MM NPT steps srun_use : bool, Optional, default: False Run all commands with a srun prefix. pmemduse : bool, Optional, default: False Use pmemd.CUDA instead of sander dryrun : bool, Optional, default: False Dry run mode: only generate the commands to run MD programs and save them into a file without executing the commands Returns ------- None Results stored as .netcdf files and log files """ frun = None if dryrun: frun = open('','w') print('MM Energy minimization') cmd=' -O -i -o mmmin.out -p '+filename+'.prmtop -c '+filename+'.inpcrd -r mm.ncrst -inf' if freeze_solute: cmd = cmd + ' -ref '+filename+'.inpcrd ' if pmemduse: cmd= 'pmemd.cuda' +cmd else: cmd= 'sander'+ cmd if srun_use: cmd='srun -n 1 '+cmd if dryrun: frun.write(cmd+'\n') else:, shell=True) if stepsmmheat>0: print('MM Heating') cmd=' -O -i -o mmheat.out -p '+filename+'.prmtop -c mm.ncrst -r mm.ncrst -x '+filename+'-heat.netcdf -inf' if freeze_solute: cmd = cmd + ' -ref '+filename+'.inpcrd ' if pmemduse: cmd= 'pmemd.cuda' +cmd else: cmd= 'sander'+ cmd if srun_use: cmd='srun -n 1 '+cmd if dryrun: frun.write(cmd+'\n') else:, shell=True) if stepsmmnve>0: print('MM NVE equilibration') cmd=' -O -i -o mmnve.out -p '+filename+'.prmtop -c mm.ncrst -r mm.ncrst -x '+filename+'-mmnve.netcdf -inf' if freeze_solute: cmd = cmd + ' -ref '+filename+'.inpcrd ' if pmemduse: cmd= 'pmemd.cuda' +cmd else: cmd= 'sander'+ cmd if srun_use: cmd='srun -n 1 '+cmd if dryrun: frun.write(cmd+'\n') else:, shell=True) if stepsmmnpt>0: print('MM NPT equilibration') cmd=' -O -i -o mmnpt.out -p '+filename+'.prmtop -c mm.ncrst -r mm.ncrst -x '+filename+'-mmnpt.netcdf -inf' if freeze_solute: cmd = cmd + ' -ref '+filename+'.inpcrd ' if pmemduse: cmd= 'pmemd.cuda' +cmd else: cmd= 'sander'+ cmd if srun_use: cmd='srun -n 1 '+cmd if dryrun: frun.write(cmd+'\n') else:, shell=True) if dryrun: frun.close()
[docs]def writeQMMMTemplate(spinmult=1,charge=0,functional="b3lyp"): r""" Write Terachem file-based interface to Amber Parameters ---------- spinmult : float, default: 1 spin multiplicity of solvated system charge : int, Optional, default: 0 charge of solvated system Returns ------- None Result stored as tc_job.tpl """ f = open("tc_job.tpl","w") f.write("basis lacvps_ecp\n") if spinmult==1: f.write("method "+functional+"\n") else: f.write("method u"+functional+"\n") f.write("dispersion yes\n") f.write("scf diis+a\n") f.write("threall 1e-13\n") f.write("convthre 1e-6\n") f.write("xtol 1e-4\n") f.write("maxit 200\n") f.write("dftgrid 1\n") f.write("charge "+str(charge)+"\n") f.write("spinmult "+str(spinmult)+"\n") f.write("scrdir ./scr\n") f.write("keep_scr yes\n") f.write("end\n") f.close()
[docs]def writeQMMMMinInput(stepsqmmmmin=250): r""" Write QMMM min input file Parameters ---------- stepsqmmmmin : int, Optional, default: 250 QMMM steps for minimization Returns ------- None Result stored """ f = open("","w") f.write("gpr QMMM Min\n") f.write(" &cntrl\n") f.write(" imin = 1,\n") f.write(" maxcyc = "+str(stepsqmmmmin)+",\n") f.write(" irest = 0, ! 0- new simulation 1- restart\n") f.write(" ntx = 1, ! 1-read in coordinates, but not velocity, 5-both\n") f.write(" cut = 8.0,\n") f.write(" ig = -1, !random seed\n") f.write(" ntb = 1,\n") f.write(" ntpr = 1, !print detials to log every step\n") f.write(" ntwx = 1, !write coordinates to mdcrd every step\n") f.write(" ntwr = 1, !write restart file every step\n") f.write(" ifqnt = 1,!turn on QM/MM\n") f.write("/\n") f.write(" &qmmm\n") f.write(" qmmask = ':1',\n") f.write(" qmcut = 8,\n") f.write(" qmcharge = 0,\n") f.write(" qmshake = 0, !Shake QM H atoms if shake is turned on (NTC>1) (default)\n") f.write(" qm_theory = 'EXTERN',\n") f.write(" qm_ewald = 0,\n") f.write(" qmgb = 0,\n") f.write(" verbosity = 2,\n") f.write(" writepdb = 1,\n") f.write(" /\n") f.write(" &tc\n") f.write(" executable = 'terachem',\n") f.write(" use_template = 1,\n") f.write(" /\n") f.close()
[docs]def writeQMMMInput(temperature=300, charge=0, stepsqmmm=250, infilename='', nve=False): r""" Write QMMM heating or NPT trajectory input file Parameters ---------- temperature : float, Optional, default: 300 temperature to heat to charge : int, Optional, default: 0 Total charge of system stepsqmmm : int, Optional, default: 250 QMMM steps infilename : str, Optional, default: '' Filename to save Amber input file nve : bool, Optional, default: False Set True if running nve Returns ------- None Result stored in infilename """ f = open(infilename,"w") f.write("gpr QMMM "+infilename+"\n") f.write(" &cntrl\n") f.write(" imin = 0,\n") if infilename=='': f.write(" ntx = 1, ! 1-read in coordinates, but not velocity, 5-both\n") else: f.write(" ntx = 5, ! 1-read in coordinates, but not velocity, 5-both\n") f.write(" irest = 1, ! 0- new simulation 1- restart\n") f.write(" cut = 8.0,\n") f.write(" ig = -1, !random seed\n") f.write(" ntc = 2, ntf = 2, !Shake is used for solvent\n") f.write(" ntb = 1,\n") f.write(" tempi = "+str(temperature)+",\n") f.write(" temp0 = "+str(temperature)+",\n") if nve==True: f.write(" ntt = 0, ! 0=const. E, 1=rescale 3=Langevin dynamics 7-bussi\n") else: f.write(" ntt = 3, ! 0=const. E, 1=rescale 3=Langevin dynamics 7-bussi\n") f.write(" vrand = 1,\n") f.write(" tautp = 0.01,\n") if nve!=True: f.write(" gamma_ln = 5.0, !Langevin dynamics collision frequency\n") f.write(" nstlim = "+str(stepsqmmm)+", !num steps\n") f.write(" dt = 0.0005, !in ps\n") f.write(" ntpr = 1, !print details to log every step\n") f.write(" ntwx = 1, !write coordinates to mdcrd every step\n") f.write(" ntwr = 1, !write restart file every step\n") f.write(" ifqnt = 1,!turn on QM/MM\n") f.write("/\n") f.write(" &qmmm\n") f.write(" qmmask = ':1',\n") f.write(" qmcharge = "+str(charge)+",\n") f.write(" qmcut = 8,\n") f.write(" qmshake = 0, !Shake QM H atoms if shake is turned on (NTC>1) (default)\n") f.write(" qm_theory = 'EXTERN',\n") f.write(" qm_ewald = 0,\n") f.write(" qmgb = 0,\n") f.write(" verbosity = 2,\n") f.write(" writepdb = 1,\n") f.write(" /\n") f.write(" &tc\n") f.write(" executable = 'terachem',\n") f.write(" use_template = 1,\n") f.write(" /\n") f.close()
[docs]def runQMMM(filename='water_solvated', spinmult=1, srun_use=False, stepsqmmmmin=250, stepsqmmmheat=1000, stepsqmmmnve=0, stepsqmmmnvt=10000, dryrun=False): r""" Run QMMM minimization, heating and NVT trajectory run Parameters ---------- filename : str, Optional, default: 'water_solvated' Filename prefix for .prmtop input file and .netcdf output file spinmult : int, Required Spin multiplicity of system srun_use : bool, Optional, default: False Run all commands with a srun prefix. stepsqmmmmin : int, Optional, default: 250 Number of QMMM minimization steps stepsqmmmheat : int, Optional, default: 1000 Number of QMMM heating steps stepsqmmmnve : int, Optional, default: 0 Number of QMMM NVE steps stepsqmmmnvt : int, Optional, default: 10000 Number of QMMM NVT trajectory steps dryrun : bool, Optional, default: False Dry run mode: only generate the commands to run MD programs and save them into a file without executing the commands Returns ------- None Results stored in .netcdf files and log files """ frun = None if dryrun: frun = open('','w') if stepsqmmmmin>0: print('QMMM Energy minimization') cmd='sander -O -i -o qmmmmin.out -p '+filename+'.prmtop -c mm.ncrst -r qmmm.ncrst -inf -x '+filename+'-qmmmmin.netcdf' if srun_use: cmd='srun -n 1 '+cmd if dryrun: frun.write(cmd+'\n') else:, shell=True) if spinmult>1: print('Adjusting terachem input file for higher Spin multiplicity') cmd="sed -i '3 a guess ./scr/ca0 ./scr/cb0' tc_job.tpl" if srun_use: cmd='srun -n 1 '+cmd if dryrun: frun.write(cmd+'\n') else:, shell=True) cmd='sander -O -i -o qmmmmin.out -p '+filename+'.prmtop -c qmmm.ncrst -r qmmm.ncrst -inf -x '+filename+'-qmmmmin.netcdf' if srun_use: cmd='srun -n 1 '+cmd if dryrun: frun.write(cmd+'\n') else:, shell=True) if stepsqmmmheat>0: print('QMMM Heating') cmd='sander -O -i -o qmmmheat.out -p '+filename+'.prmtop -c qmmm.ncrst -r qmmm.ncrst -inf -x '+filename+'-qmmmheat.netcdf' if srun_use: cmd='srun -n 1 '+cmd if dryrun: frun.write(cmd+'\n') else:, shell=True) if stepsqmmmnve>0: print('QMMM NVE Run') cmd='sander -O -i -o qmmmnve.out -p '+filename+'.prmtop -c qmmm.ncrst -r qmmm.ncrst -inf -x '+filename+'-qmmmnve.netcdf' if srun_use: cmd='srun -n 1 '+cmd if dryrun: frun.write(cmd+'\n') else:, shell=True) if stepsqmmmnvt>0: print('QMMM NVT Run') cmd='sander -O -i -o qmmmnvt.out -p '+filename+'.prmtop -c qmmm.ncrst -r qmmm.ncrst -inf -x '+filename+'-qmmmnvt.netcdf' if srun_use: cmd='srun -n 1 '+cmd if dryrun: frun.write(cmd+'\n') else:, shell=True) if dryrun: frun.close()
[docs]def startmd(argumentList): r""" Wrap function that parses command line options for autosolvate clustergen, generates inputfiles for Amber and TeraChem, runs MM and QMMM stages. .. warning:: Currently, some simulation parameters cannot be set by the user, for example: * simulation time step * integrator type * nonbonded cutoff * thermostat type * Langevin collision frequency * barostat type * pressure relaxation time * frequency of trajectory writing Parameters ---------- argumentList: list The list contains the command line options to specify MM and QMMM stage options. Command line options: -f, --filename prefix of .prmtop and .inpcrd files -t, --temp temperature in Kelvin to equilibrate -p, --pressure pressure in bar to equilibrate during MM NPT step -i, --stepsmmmin Number of MM minimization steps -m, --stepsmmheat Number of MM heating steps, setting to 0 skips the MM heating step -b, --stepsmmnve Number of MM NVE steps, setting to 0 skips the MM NVE step -n, --stepsmmnpt Number of MM NPT steps, setting to 0 skips the MM NPT step -l, --stepsqmmmmin Number of QMMM minimization steps, setting to 0 skips the QMMM minimization step -o, --stepsqmmmheat Number of QMMM heating steps, setting to 0 skips the QMMM heating step -v, --stepsqmmmnve Number of QMMM NVE steps, setting to 0 skips the QMMM NVE step -s, --stepsqmmmnvt Number of QMMM NVT steps, setting to 0 skips the QMMM NVT step -q, --charge Total charge of system -u, --spinmultiplicity Spin multiplicity of whole system -k, --functional DFT functional to use for the QM part in QM/MM -r, --srunuse option to run inside a slurm job -x, --pmemduse Speed up MM with pmemd.CUDA instead of sander -d, --dryrun Dry run mode: only generate the commands to run MD programs and save them into a file without executing the command -z, --freezesolute Freeze the solute structure throughout all MD steps -h, --help short usage description Returns ------- None Generate MD simulation input files and execute MD programs, or same the MD program execution commands in and """ #print(argumentList) options = "hf:t:p:i:m:b:n:l:o:v:s:q:u:k:rxdz" long_options = ["help", "filename", "temp", "pressure", "stepsmmmin", "stepsmmheat", "stepsmmnve", "stepsmmnpt", "stepsqmmmmin", "stepsqmmmheat", "stepsqmmmnve", "stepsqmmmnvt", "charge", "spinmultiplicity","functional", "srunuse", "pmemduse","dryrun","freezesolute"] arguments, values = getopt.getopt(argumentList, options, long_options) srun_use=False temperature=300 pressure=1 stepsmmmin=2000 stepsmmheat=10000 stepsmmnve=0 stepsmmnpt=300000 stepsqmmmmin=250 stepsqmmmheat=1000 stepsqmmmnve=0 stepsqmmmnvt=10000 charge=0 spinmult=1 functional="b3lyp" srun_use=False pmemduse=False dryrun=False freeze_solute=False for currentArgument, currentValue in arguments: if currentArgument in ("-h", "-help"): print('Usage: autosolvate mdrun [OPTIONS]') print(' -f, --filename prefix of .prmtop and .inpcrd files') print(' -t, --temp temperature in Kelvin to equilibrate') print(' -p, --pressure pressure in bar to equilibrate during MM NPT step') print(' -i, --stepsmmmin Number of MM minimization steps') print(' -m, --stepsmmheat Number of MM heating steps, setting to 0 skips the MM heating step') print(' -b, --stepsmmnve Number of MM NVE steps, setting to 0 skips the MM NVE step') print(' -n, --stepsmmnpt Number of MM NPT steps, setting to 0 skips the MM NPT step') print(' -l, --stepsqmmmmin Number of QMMM minimization steps, setting to 0 skips the QMMM minimization step') print(' -o, --stepsqmmmheat Number of QMMM heating steps, setting to 0 skips the QMMM heating step') print(' -v, --stepsqmmmnve Number of QMMM NVE steps, setting to 0 skips the QMMM NVE step') print(' -s, --stepsqmmmnvt Number of QMMM NVT steps, setting to 0 skips the QMMM NVT step') print(' -q, --charge Total charge of system') print(' -u, --spinmultiplicity Spin multiplicity of whole system') print(' -k, --functional DFT functional to use for the QM part in QM/MM') print(' -r, --srunuse option to run inside a slurm job') print(' -x, --pmemduse Speed up MM with pmemd.CUDA instead of sander') print(' -d, --dryrun Dry run mode') print(' -z, --freezesolute Freeze the solute') print(' -h, --help short usage description') exit() elif currentArgument in ("-f", "-filename"): print ("Filename:", currentValue) filename=str(currentValue) elif currentArgument in ("-t", "-temp"): print ("Temperature in K:", currentValue) temperature=float(currentValue) elif currentArgument in ("-p", "-pressure"): print ("Pressure in bar:", currentValue) pressure=float(currentValue) elif currentArgument in ("-i","-stepsmmmin"): print ("Steps MM min:", currentValue) stepsmmmin=int(currentValue) elif currentArgument in ("-m","-stepsmmheat"): print ("Steps MM heat:", currentValue) stepsmmheat=int(currentValue) elif currentArgument in ("-b","-stepsmmnve"): print ("Steps MM NVE:", currentValue) stepsmmnve=int(currentValue) elif currentArgument in ("-n", "-stepsmmnpt"): print ("Steps MM NPT:", currentValue) stepsmmnpt=int(currentValue) elif currentArgument in ("-l","-stepsqmmmmin"): print ("Steps QMMM min:", currentValue) stepsqmmmmin=int(currentValue) elif currentArgument in ("-o","-stepsqmmmheat"): print ("Steps QMMM heat:", currentValue) stepsqmmmheat=int(currentValue) elif currentArgument in ("-v","-stepsqmmmnve"): print ("Steps QMMM NVE:", currentValue) stepsqmmmnve=int(currentValue) elif currentArgument in ("-s", "-stepsqmmmnvt"): print ("Steps QMMM NPT:", currentValue) stepsqmmmnvt=int(currentValue) elif currentArgument in ("-q", "-charge"): print("Charge:", currentValue) charge=int(currentValue) elif currentArgument in ("-u", "-spinmultiplicity"): print ("Spinmultiplicity:", currentValue) spinmult=int(currentValue) elif currentArgument in ("-k", "-functional"): print ("DFT functional:", currentValue) functional=currentValue elif currentArgument in ("-r", "-srunuse"): print("using srun") srun_use=True elif currentArgument in ("-x", "-pmemduse"): print("using pmemd.cuda instead of sander") pmemduse=True elif currentArgument in ("-d", "-dryrun"): print("Dry run mode: only generate the commands to run MD programs and save them into a file without executing the commands") dryrun=True elif currentArgument in ("-z", "-freezesolute"): print("Freeze the solute while running MD") freeze_solute=True print("Ignoring all QM/MM options. QM/MM will not run") stepsqmmmmin = 0 stepsqmmmheat = 0 stepsqmmmnve = 0 stepsqmmmnvt = 0 writeMMminInput(stepsmmmin=stepsmmmin,freeze_solute=freeze_solute) writeMMheatInput(temperature=temperature, stepsmmheat=stepsmmheat, freeze_solute=freeze_solute) writeMMNVEInput(stepsmmnve=stepsmmnve, freeze_solute=freeze_solute) writeMMNPTInput(temperature=temperature, pressure=pressure, stepsmmnpt=stepsmmnpt, freeze_solute=freeze_solute) writeQMMMMinInput(stepsqmmmmin=stepsqmmmmin) writeQMMMTemplate(spinmult=spinmult, charge=charge, functional=functional) writeQMMMInput(temperature=temperature, stepsqmmm=stepsqmmmheat, charge=charge, infilename='') writeQMMMInput(stepsqmmm=stepsqmmmnve, charge=charge, infilename='', nve=True) writeQMMMInput(temperature=temperature, stepsqmmm=stepsqmmmnvt, charge=charge, infilename='') runMM(filename=filename, stepsmmheat=stepsmmheat, stepsmmnpt=stepsmmnpt, stepsmmnve=stepsmmnve, srun_use=srun_use, pmemduse=pmemduse, dryrun=dryrun, freeze_solute=freeze_solute) runQMMM(filename=filename, spinmult=spinmult, srun_use=srun_use, stepsqmmmmin=stepsqmmmmin, stepsqmmmheat=stepsqmmmheat, stepsqmmmnve=stepsqmmmnve, stepsqmmmnvt=stepsqmmmnvt, dryrun=dryrun)
if __name__ == '__main__': argumentList = sys.argv[1:] startmd(argumentList)